Radio Guide

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  • walkietalkie, a short-range radio designed to communicate with other walkie-talkies; does not have the ability to directly set the frequency, only to Scan for other walkie-talkie users in the area and tune in to their signal
  • handheld radio, commands such as Broadcast, Channel, and Listen; the default radio item, with full frequency control
  • sh_longrange, a duplicate of the handheld radio with a longer maximum range and different chat color; by default, this is the only radio type on which you can Broadcast on all channels, to further differentiate each type of radio
  • ix_radiorepeater, the radio repeater entity required for duplex radios to function, spawnable from the Helix category in the Entities tab; interacting with the repeater allows you to change its input & output frequencies

Chat commands (with examples)

  • /setFreq (100.0), changes the frequency of your active radio
  • /setListenFreq (900.0), changes the receiving frequency of your active duplex radioFrequencies can be any number between 100.1 and 999.9 but must be given in that exact format, with three digits, a decimal, and one more digit. Be specific!
  • /setChan (1), changes the channel of your active radio
  • /chanRename (1,TACTICAL), renames the specified channel of your active radio to the specified nameEntries must be separated by a comma, and although the name can be anything, you are limited to 16 characters (
  • /rbc or /radioBroadcasttoggles broadcasting on all channels for your active radio
  • /rls or /radioListentoggles listening to all channels for your active radio
  • /setCallsign (Character1 War Pig), changes the callsign of the specified player to the specified callsign; admin only

Welcome to Oceania

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